Wednesday, 6 November 2013

A new start and some rambling

So I told myself that I'd keep blogging after finishing my art foundation...That when well. And then for one of my modules for my degree I'm meant to be keeping track of it in a blog...Started that yesterday. I got the brief about 6 weeks ago, which shows how badly organised I am.

Anyway the location of that blog is

So yeah I intend to post that stuff here as well as stuff that isn't relevant to that project. I hope anyway:)

Why the second blog? Well do I really want my lecturers to see my art foundation stuff? No. Maybe I should delete it? Probably. But then I wouldn't have anything here and might as well have started a new blog. But then it's not like I'm active enough online for it too really matter. *sighs* The internet is not a scary place.

Anyway lets post some work.
At the moment we're building Podracers in Maya so here's my Front Side Top Bottom of my design

I kind of need to finish the bottom one and add detail, but I think that I’ll just do that on the model. I was getting way too confused drawing these as it was.

And here's a quick run through on how I set up my image planes
Create 3 polygon planes that are the same size and rotate them like so.
Create a different Lambert surface for each of them and assign the correct reference image to them.
Place each of them in there own layer and make the layer a reference so that it can't be edited.
-select the plane, right click on the layer and select add selected objects.

I haven't modelled a lot yeah, but I'll post the stage I got too before going to bed.

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